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Call for Papers

ICAART is sponsored by INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication


The purpose of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the theory and applications in the areas of Agents and Artificial Intelligence, covering both applications and current research work. On one side it focuses on Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Software Platforms, and also Distributed Problem Solving. On the other side it focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Planning, Learning, Scheduling, Perception. Applications are in both areas. They are using Natural Language Processing (NLP), Legal Technologies and Quantum Computing.

The last four years the research emphasis has shifted towards Explainable AI and Interpretable AI with a focus on trustworthiness, fairness, privacy, safety, security and ethical issues. A substantial amount of research work is ongoing in these knowledge areas, in an attempt to discover appropriate theories and paradigms to use in real-world applications.

Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas listed below. Accepted papers, presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Proceedings of ICAART with an ISBN. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. Both full research reports and work-in-progress reports are welcome. There will be both oral and poster sessions.

Special sessions, dedicated to case-studies and commercial presentations, as well as tutorials dedicated to technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial, workshop or special session are invited to contact the conference secretariat or visit the conference website.


Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:



  • Agent Communication and Languages
  • Agent Models and Architectures
  • Agent Oriented Software Engineering
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Cognitive Robotics
  • Conversational Agents
  • Distributed Problem Solving
  • Economic Agent Models
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Fairness and Reliability
  • Group Decision Making (with cooperation, coordination, negotiation, interaction protocols)
  • Intelligent Auctions and Markets
  • Mobile Agents
  • Multi-Agent Systems
  • Privacy, Safety, Security, and Ethical Issues
  • Programming Environments and Agent Platforms
  • Robot and Multi-Robot Systems
  • Self Organizing Systems
  • Simulation
  • Swarm Intelligence and Collective Intelligence
  • Task Planning and Execution
  • Web Intelligence and Semantic Web


  • AI and Creativity
  • Ambient Intelligence
  • Bayesian Networks
  • Big Data
  • Cognitive Systems
  • Constraint Satisfaction
  • Data Mining
  • Data Science
  • Deep Learning
  • Evolutionary Computing
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence
  • Fuzzy Systems
  • Hybrid Intelligent Systems
  • Industrial Applications of AI
  • Intelligence and Cybersecurity
  • Intelligent User Interfaces
  • Interpretable Artificial Intelligence
  • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • Knowledge-Based Systems
  • Legal Technologies
  • Machine Learning
  • Model-Based Reasoning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Neural Networks
  • Ontologies
  • Planning and Scheduling
  • Quantum Artificial Intelligence
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Soft Computing
  • State Space Search
  • Transparency
  • Uncertainty in AI
  • Validity
  • Vision and Perception
  • Visualization


ICAART 2025 will have several invited keynote speakers, who are internationally recognized experts in their areas. Their names are not yet confirmed.


Authors can submit their work in the form of a complete paper or an abstract, but please note that accepted abstracts are presented but not published in the proceedings of the conference. Complete papers can be submitted as a Regular Paper, representing completed and validated research, or as a Position Paper, portraying a short report of work in progress or an arguable opinion about an issue discussing ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research focused on one of the conference topic areas.

Authors should submit a paper in English, carefully checked for correct grammar and spelling, addressing one or several of the conference areas or topics. Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its technical/scientific contribution, and the problems, domains or environments to which it is applicable. To facilitate the double-blind paper evaluation method, authors are kindly requested to produce and provide the paper WITHOUT any reference to any of the authors, including the authors’ personal details, the acknowledgments section of the paper and any other reference that may disclose the authors’ identity.

When submitting a complete paper please note that only original papers should be submitted. Authors are advised to read INSTICC's ethical norms regarding plagiarism and self-plagiarism thoroughly before submitting and must make sure that their submissions do not substantially overlap work which has been published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with proceedings. Papers that contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected without reviews.

All papers must be submitted through the online submission platform PRIMORIS and should follow the instructions and templates that can be found under Guidelines and Templates. After the paper submission has been successfully completed, authors will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail.


All accepted complete papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on digital support.
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef ( and every paper on our digital library is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by SCOPUS, Google Scholar, DBLP, Semantic Scholar, EI and Web of Science / Conference Proceedings Citation Index.


Conference Date: 23 - 25 February, 2025

Paper Submission: October 2, 2024
Authors Notification:
December 4, 2024
Camera Ready and Registration:
December 20, 2024

Paper Submission: November 13, 2024
Authors Notification:
December 20, 2024
Camera Ready and Registration:
January 13, 2025

Workshop Proposal: October 17, 2024

Doctoral Consortium
Paper Submission: December 18, 2024
Authors Notification: January 14, 2025
Camera Ready and Registration: January 22, 2025

Special Sessions
Special Session Proposal: October 17, 2024
Paper Submission: December 18, 2024
Authors Notification: January 14, 2025
Camera Ready and Registration: January 22, 2025

Tutorial Proposal: January 17, 2025

Demo Proposal: January 17, 2025

Panel Proposal: January 17, 2025

Abstract Submission: December 18, 2024
Authors Notification: January 14, 2025
Camera Ready and Registration: January 22, 2025


ICAART Secretariat
Address: Avenida de S. Francisco Xavier, Lote 7 Cv. C
             2900-616 Setúbal - Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 185
Fax: +351 265 520 186


The conference will take place at the Vila Galé Porto hotel which is located in the beautiful and historical city of Porto in Portugal. Porto is considered to be one of the most beautiful historical towns in Portugal, with its remarkable architectural heritage shaped by history.


Jaap van den HerikLeiden University, Netherlands


Ana Paula RochaInformatics Engineering, LIACC / FEUP, University of Porto, Portugal
Luc SteelsHigh Performance AI, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain


António Abelha, INFORMÁTICA, Centro ALGORITMI, University of Minho, Portugal
Jose Aguilar, Computacion, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
Mansaf Alam, National Islamic University, India
Paulo Alencar, University Waterloo, Canada
Isabel M. Alexandre, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) and Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
Vicki Allan, Computer Science, Utah State University, United States
Edouard Amouroux, STEM College, RMIT, Australia
Cesar Analide, Department of Informatics, University of Minho, Portugal
John E. Anderson, University of Manitoba, Canada
Anastassia Angelopoulou, University of Westminster, United Kingdom
Alla Anohina-Naumeca, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Patricia Anthony, Faculty of Environment, Society and Design, Lincoln University, New Zealand
Vijayan K. Asari, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Dayton, United States
Muhammad Aslam, Independent Researcher, Pakistan
Wudhichai Assawinchaichote, Electronic And Telecommunication Engineering, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Giuseppe Attardi, University of Pisa, Italy
Rosangela Ballini, Unicamp, Brazil
José Á. Banares Bañares, Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), Universidad De Zaragoza, Spain
Emilia Barakova, Designed Intelligence, Industrial design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Necaattin Barisci, Gazi University, Turkey
Kamel Barkaoui, CNAM, France
Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Maria L. Barron-Estrada, Research and Graduate Studies, Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán, Mexico
Montserrat Batet, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Edgar Batista, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Bernhard Bauer, Institute of Computer Science, University of Augsburg, Germany
Abdelkader Benyettou, Computer science, Yang-En University, Algeria
Federico Bergenti, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy
Rafael Berlanga, Llenguatges I Sistemes Informatics, Universitat Jaume I, Spain
Heder S. Bernardino, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Daniel Berrar, The Open University, UK, and Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Adriana Birlutiu, Computer Science, 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania
Stefano Bistarelli, University of Perugia, Italy
Gautam Biswas, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science/ISIS, Vanderbilt University, United States
Jim Blythe, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, United States
Szymon Bobek, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Veselka Boeva, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Bruno Bouchard, Computer Science Department, LIARA Laboratory, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada
Lars Braubach, City University of Hamburg, Germany
Joerg Bremer, Computing Science, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Paolo Bresciani, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Said Broumi, Faculty of letters and Humanities, Hay El Baraka Ben M'sik Casablanca B.P. 7951,, University of Hassan II -Casablanca, Morocco
Joseph A. Brown, Innopolis University, Russian Federation
Ralf Bruns, Computer Science, Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany
Samuele Burattini, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy
Aleksander Byrski, Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Giacomo Cabri, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Informatiche e Matematiche, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Valérie Camps, IRIT - Université Paul Sabatier, France
Javier Carbó Rubiera, Computer Science, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Cristiano Castelfranchi, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies - National Research Council, Italy
Dumitru-Clementin Cercel, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Romania
Arnab Chakrabarti, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Wen-Chung Chang, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, Republic of China
François Charpillet, Maia Team, Loria - Inria Lorraine, France
Amitava Chatterjee, Electrical Engg. Deptt, Jadavpur University, India
Davide Ciucci, Dipartimento Di Informatica Sistemistica E Comunicazione, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Italy
Flavio S. Correa da Silva, Computer Science, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Paulo Cortez, Departamento De Sistemas De Informação, University of Minho, Portugal
Massimo Cossentino, High performance Computing and Networks Institute (ICAR), National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy
Ernesto Costa, Departamento De Engenharia Informática, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Evandro B. Costa, Instituto de Computação, UFAL, Brazil
Stefania Costantini, Information Engineering and Computer Science, and Mathematics, Stefania Costantini, Italy
Noel Crespi, Institut Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France
Javier Criado, Applied Computing Group, Spain
Laura Cruz-Reyes, Technological Institute of Ciudad Madero, Mexico
Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Riccardo De Benedictis, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC), CNR - Italian National Research Council, Italy
Leandro N. de Castro, U. A. Whitaker College of Engineering, Florida Gulf Coast University, United States
Fernando F. de Souza, Informação e Sistemas, Centro de Informática - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Carmelo Del Valle, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Luis Fernando D'Haro Enriquez, Speech Technology Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Bruno Di Stefano, Nuptek Systems Ltd., Canada
Scott Dick, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
Rafal Drezewski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Thomas Eiter, Informationssysteme, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Rino Falcone, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
Hojjatollah Farahani, Psychology, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Catherine Faron, Université Côte d'Azur, France
Carlos M. Fernandes, ISR, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Márcia A. Fernandes, Computing Department, Federal University of Uberlandia - UFU, Brazil
Edilson Ferneda, Mestrado em Governança, Tecnologia e Inovação, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
Alexander Ferrein, MASCOR Institute, FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Baldoino Fonseca, Institute of Computing, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
Oscar Fontenla-Romero, Computer Science, University of A Coruña, Spain
Agostino Forestiero, ICAR-CNR, Italy
Katsuhide Fujita, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Aldo Gangemi, University of Bologna, Italy
Ana B. Garcia, Applied Informatics Department, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Mauro Gaspari, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, University of Bologna, Italy
Benoit Gaudou, University Toulouse 1 Capitole, France
Andrey Gavrilov, Computer Engineering, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russian Federation
Franck Gechter, IRTES-SeT, University of Technology of Belfort-Montbiliard, France
Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas, Computer Science and ICT, Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Maki Habib, Mechanical Eng. Dept., , The American University in Cairo, Egypt
James Harland, School of Computer Science and IT, RMIT University, Australia
Ronny Hartanto, Technology and Bionics, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Hisashi Hayashi, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan
Yongqun He, University of Michigan Health System, United States
Pedro R. Henriques, Departamento de Informática, University of Minho, Portugal
Ramon Hermoso, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Vincent Hilaire, UTBM, France
Hanno Hildmann, Intelligent Autonomous Systems, TNO, Netherlands
Victoria Hodge, Department of Computer Science, University of York, United Kingdom
Wei-Chiang Hong, Department of Information Management, Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Republic of China
Ales Horak, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Takayuki Ito, Kyoto University, Japan
Marina Ivasic-Kos, Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technology, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Mohammad A. Jaradat, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Fethi Jarray, LimTic, Tunisia
Agnieszka Jastrzebska, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Michael Jenkin, EECS, York University, Canada
Shashi Shekhar Jha, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India
Jaume Jordán, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Francisco José Domínguez Mayo, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, University of Seville, Spain
Darsana Josyula, Computer Science, Bowie State Univeristy, United States
Nicolas Jouandeau, Paris 8 University, France
Eugene Kagan, Industrial Engineering, Ariel University, Israel
Christos Kaklamanis, University of Patras & Computer Technology Institute and Press ``Diophantus'' (CTI), Greece
Norihiro Kamide, Department of Data Science, Nagoya City University, Japan
Ashwin Viswanathan Kannan, Amazon Labs, United States
Mehmed Kantardzic, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, University of Louisville, United States
Pawel Karczmarek, Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Uzay Kaymak, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Petros Kefalas, Computer Science, CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, Greece
Erdal Kiliç, Computer Engineering, 19 Mayis University, Turkey
Michel Klein, department of Artificial Intelligence, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Matthias Klusch, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Germany
Mare Koit, Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Estonia
Piotr A. Kowalski, AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Oliver Kramer, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany
Daniel Ladley, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Divesh Lala, Kyoto University, Japan
Ho-Pun Lam, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Ramoni Lasisi, Virginia Military Institute, Virginia Military Institute, United States
Egons Lavendelis, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Ladislav Lenc, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Letizia Leonardi, Engineering "Enzo Ferrari", Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Weigang Li, Computer Science, University of Brasilia, Brazil
Churn-Jung Liau, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Republic of China
David Lillis, University College Dublin, Ireland
Jianyi Lin, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
Ting Liu, Computer Science, Siena College, United States
Liping Liu, Department of Management, University of Akron, United States
Faraón Llorens-Largo, Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Alberto Lluch Lafuente, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Stephane Loiseau, Informatique, LERIA, University of Angers, France
António Lopes, Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
Domitile Lourdeaux, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France
Bernd Ludwig, Lehrstuhl für Informationswissenschaft, University Regensburg, Germany
Yuan Luo, University of Calgary, Canada
Audrone Lupeikiene, VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies, Lithuania
Jose A. Macedo, Computing Department, Federal University of Ceara, Brazil
Richard Maclin, Computer Science, University of Minnesota Duluth, United States
Romany F. Mansour, Faculty of Science, New Valley University, Egypt
Jerusa Marchi, Departamento de Informática e Estatística, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Philippe Mathieu, Computer Science, University of Lille, France
Eric Matson, Purdue University, United States
Toshihiro Matsui, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Miguel A. Melgarejo, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia
Bruno Mermet, GREYC - UMR 6072, CNRS, France
Marjan Mernik, Faculty of Electrical Engineerng and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Enza Messina, Informatics, Systems and Communication, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Occello Michel, LCIS, Univ Grenoble Alpes, France
Ali Minai, Deptartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Cincinnati, United States
Valeri Mladenov, Theory of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Ralf Möller, University of Lübeck, Germany
Raul Monroy, Computer Science, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Orides Morandin Jr, Department of Computing, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
Maxime Morge, Research Center in Computer Science, Signal and Automatics of Lille (CRIStAL), Université de Lille, France
Koichi Moriyama, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Gildas Morvan, Université d'Artois, France
Salama A. Mostafa, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia
Bernard Moulin, Computer Science, Université Laval, Canada
Muhammad Marwan Muhammad Fuad, Coventry University, United Kingdom
Pawel B. Myszkowski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
Parma Nand, School of Computer and Information Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Ngoc T. Nguyen, Department of Information Systems, Faculty of ComputerScience and Management, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Hien Nguyen, Computer Science, University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM, Vietnam
Roger Nkambou, Department of Computer Science, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Norita M. Norwawi, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia
Farid Nouioua, Computer science, LSIS UMR 7296 du CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, France
Slawomir Nowaczyk, Center for Applied Intelligent Systems Research, Halmstad University, Sweden
Luis Nunes, Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) and Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), Portugal
Andrzej Obuchowicz, Institute of Control and Computation Engineering, University of Zielona Góra, Poland
Michael O'Grady, School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland
Joanna Isabelle Olszewska, School of Computing and Engineering, University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom
Eva Onaindía de la Rivaherrera, UPV, Spain
Pauline Ong, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Ryohei Orihara, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Eneko Osaba, Tecnalia, Spain
Stanislaw Osowski, Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Ercan Oztemel, Industrial Egineering, Marmara University, Turkey
Tandra Pal, CSE, National Institute of Technology, India
Elpiniki Papageorgiou, University of Thessaly, Greece
Marcin Paprzycki, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Giovanni Paragliola, Institute for high performance computing and networking of the National Research Council, Italy
Andrew J. Parkes, Computer Science, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Daniel Paternain, Public University of Navarre, Spain
Tomas Pevny, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Maria Silvia Pini, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy
Ivan Miguel Pires, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes/Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestao de Agueda, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Jamshid Piri, Independent Researcher, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Agostino Poggi, Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura, University of Parma, Italy
Dawid Polap, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Borja Ponte, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Enrico Pontelli, Computer Science, New Mexico State University, United States
Filipe Portela, Information System, Centro ALGORITMI, University of Minho, Portugal
Octavian Postolache, Independent Researcher, Portugal
Giulio Prevedello, Sony Computer Science Laboratory Paris, France
David V. Pynadath, Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, United States
Abdellatif Rahmoun, computer sciences, Ecole Superieure Informatique Sidi Bel-Abbes, and Graduate School of Computer Science, Algeria
Tarik A. Rashid, University Of Kurdistan Hewlêr, Iraq
Marek Reformat, thinkS2 : thinking Software and System laboratory; Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
Patrizia Ribino, ICAR- CNR, Italy
Fátima Rodrigues, Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center (ISRC), Portugal
Olympia Roeva, Bioinformatics and Mathematical Modelling, Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Juha Röning, Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems, University of Oulu, Finland
Massimo Ruffolo, National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Adel Saadi, Abdelhamid Mehri (Constantine 2) University, Algeria
Indrajit Saha, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research,FC Block, Sector 3, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700106, India., National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training & Research, India
Ruhaidah Samsudin, University of Technology Malaysia, Malaysia
Luciano Sanchez, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Francesco Santini, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Perugia, Italy
Giuseppe M. L. Sarne, Department of Psychology, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
Fabio Sartori, Dept of Computer Science, Systems and Communication, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Jurek Sasiadek, Carleton University, Canada
Stefan Schiffer, Chair Individual and Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Klemens Schnattinger, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Department, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Germany
Michael Schumacher, Institute of Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO), Switzerland
Roman Senkerik, A.I.Lab, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic
Emilio Serrano, Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Marius C. Silaghi, Computer Engineering and Science, Florida Institute of Technology, United States
Gerardo I. Simari, Institute for Computer Science and Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
Leszek Siwik,, AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Juan P. Soto, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico
João M. Sousa, IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Giandomenico Spezzano, DIITET, CNR-ICAR, Italy
Bernd Steinbach, Computer Science, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Germany
Darko Stipanicev, Research Group for Modelling and Intelligent System, FESB University of Split, Croatia
Catalin Stoean, Computer Science, University of Craiova, Romania
Thomas Stützle, CoDE-IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Sivarao Subramonian, Department of Design Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
Zhaohao Sun, Department of Business Studies (1); School of Engineering and Information Technology (2), Federation University Australia, Australia and PNG University of Technology, Papua New Guinea
Ron Sun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States
Yasuhiro Suzuki, Complex Systems Science, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University, Japan
Ryszard Tadeusiewicz, Department Of Automatics and Biomedical Engineering, AGH University Science Technology, Poland
Shing Chiang Tan, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Andrea Tettamanzi, Université Côte d'Aazur, Inria, I3S, UMR 7271, France
Michele Tomaiuolo, University of Parma, Italy
Viviane Torres da Silva, IBM Research, Brazil
Ngoc-Hien Tran, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam
Pei-Wei Tsai, Computing Technologies, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Francisco A. Túnez, Polytechnic Sciences, Saint Anthony Catholic University of Murcia, Spain
Jasper van der Waa, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, Netherlands
Tom van Engers, Leibniz Institute, University of Amsterdam & TNO, Netherlands
Leo van Moergestel, Computer Science HBO-ICT, HU Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Srdjan Vesic, CNRS, France
Jørgen Villadsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Emilio Vivancos, Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Constantin Volosencu, Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Politehnica University Timisoara, Romania
Mattias Wahde, Department of Applied Mechanics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Frank Wang, School of Computing, University of Kent, United Kingdom
Mia Y. Wang, College of Charleston, United States
Bozena Wozna-Szczesniak, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Poland
Hongji Yang, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Leicester University, United Kingdom
Vahid Yazdanpanah, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Costas Yialouris, Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
Wenwu Yu, Mathematics, Southeast University, China
Ezzeddine Zagrouba, Higher Institute of Computer Science (ISI), Tunisia

(list not yet complete)
